Monthly Archives: Februar 2018

Alber will show the original interior of a hotel room from a traditional hotel of his hometown South Tirol (Italy). Thereby, the furniture pieces become temporary exhibition objects, contrary to their actual purpose. Similar to a theatrical stage, the furniture and objects are arranged without any walls on an invisible ground plan. This intervention is […] Kuratiert von Antje Blumenstein Sang Hoon Ahn/Stefan Alber/Marie Aly/Olivia Berckemeyer/Antje Blumenstein/Isabelle Borges/!Berthold Bock/Peter Böhnisch/John Bock/Theo Boettger/Joanna Buchowska/Marcel Buehler/Jessica Buhlmann/!Dustin Carlson/DAG/Annedore Dietze/Thomas Draschan/Peter Dobroschke/Ornella Fieres/Heiner Franzen/!Marten Frerichs/Heike Gallmeier/Matthias Galvez/Wolfgang Ganter/Annette Gödde/Philip Grözinger/Harriet Groß/!Sebastian Gumpinger/Jens Hausmann/Christian Henkel/Ruth Hommelsheim/Franziska Hünig/Klaus Jörres/!Marc Jung/Lisa Junghanß/Viola Kamp/Isabel Kerkermeier/Marte Kiessling/Peter Klare/Sun Ju Kim/Kalin Lindena/Ricard Larsson/ Sebastian Lettner/Adrian Lohmüller/Sandra Meisel/Rebecca Michaelis/Jan Muche/Rainer […]

Stefan Alber, Blake Carrington, Grayson Cox, Janine Eggert/ Philipp Ricklefs, Nadja Frank/ Jomar Statkun, Lior Shvil, Sandy Smith, Zefrey Throwell, Romin Walther   Compiled by DAF    

Die räumliche Struktur und Nutzungsgeschichte des Tublá da Nives selbst lieferte den Input, sich mit dem Thema “Behausung“ und seiner Bedeutung zwischen Identifikation und Schicksal näher zu befassen. Das Tublá da Nives ist durch geschickten Umbau zwar seiner ursprünglichen Funktion, der eines traditionellen Stadels, enthoben und zu einem beeindruckenden modernen Kunst- und Kulturzentrum geworden, doch […]

TOMORROW IT’S TIME FOR THE FUTURE showcases young talents from Berlin and New York, two of the most interesting centers in the world. The exhibition focuses on the close connections and lively transatlantic exchange of ideas that lead to collectives and collaborative projects. New York’s creatives see Berlin as the art Mecca of the twenty-first […]