Monthly Archives: Januar 2018

Hybrids sind Kombinationen von Bildobjekten, die im Ausstellungsraum ein dynamisches Zusammenspiel entwickeln. Nach einem nicht eindeutigen Muster sind Fotografien von bunten Regenschirmen mit Teilen von Regenschirmstöcken kombiniert. Es sind Schwarz-weiß- und Farbaufnahmen, die den Blick auf das strahlenförmig in sich zusammenlaufende Muster lenken. Das breite Farbspektrum und die wechselnden Graustufen erinnern an Vorbilder aus der […]

Friday August 29 made an intervention on the Cerro De Les Tres Cruces (Medellín/Colombia). Looking from the city center from Medellín at the green hill, one could see a red, green, yellow and blue eld above on the slope. From a distance those misshapen plains appeared as colorful foreign objects marking the landscape. In collaboration […]

The nine-part photo work „Enter on Harrison“ (2013) shows the locked and barricaded entrances of the former „Main Post Office“ in Chicago. The individual photographs, arranged according to their own rhythm to form a horizontal picture frieze, are visually connected by the linear struts of a builders fence in the foreground. The work documents a […]

A ticking clockwork is installed under a bell jar on an antique wooden table. No numbers or divisions are present on the table top where the hands of the clock are circling horizontally. The visitor needs a second clock to determine the exact location of the sculpture in the room and, consequently, the time.

For the exhibition space Stadtbad Oderberger Strasse in Berlin, the central staircase was converted into a temporary photographic laboratory, as a sheet of light-sensitive paper was folded over the steps and exposed from the window of the stairwell. The developed paper shows a sequence of black, white and grey gradients; a recording of the light […]

Das Stadtbad in der Oderberger Straße im Prenzlauer Berg, 1898 vom Architekten Ludwig Hoffmann konzipiert und 1902 als Volksbadeanstalt und Gemeindeschule eröffnet, versammelt am Art Week-Wochenende zeitgenössische Positionen junger Berliner Künstlerinnen und Künstler. Unter dem Titel NO OK verbirgt sich die Strategie, eigene Positionierungen in den verschiedensten Feldern zu reflektieren, zu kritisieren und zu überwinden. […]

The installation „Bögen (arches)“ in Stadtbad Oderberger Straße in Berlin refers to the architecture and to the light conditions within the building. The rooms were temporarily converted into a photographic laboratory using daylight to expose photographic paper, which was developed in different stages. The sheets of paper, diagonally folded, record the vaults in the exhibition […]

The black ruins of the former largest carbon black and non-ferrous metal plant in Europe characterise the town and the people of Copsa Mica / Romania. The remains of the factory buildings are removed by the few remaining residents and reused as building materials. The surrounding nature is dominated by polluted, heavily contaminated soils. For […]

The photographs „The Horse in Motion“ (2010) were made during an intermediate stop of a train journey and as a two-parted sequence, show a minimal movement in an otherwise static environment. The picture composition is based on photographs of motion studies from the early phase of photography. The glass panels with their rounded corners mounted […]